I met a really great gal at the New York City Metal & Smith Show in August 2018. Alice Finnerty is a jewelry blogger and founder of the new GoodBern website focusing on ethical and sustainable brands that have positive social and environmental impacts. She recently asked me what my favorite piece of jewelry was which sent me though a mental inventory of everything I’ve collected over the years and everything I’ve created since starting my business. Aside from my wedding ring, which is special for many reasons, my mind kept coming back to a ring from my first jewelry collection...which I call Barefoot. The inspiration for every piece in the Barefoot Collection comes from a very personal place, symbolic of life and path we take. I love them all, but there is one ring I feel so connected to that I wear it almost daily. I humbly call it the Debra Ring. In Hebrew, Debra means “bee”. When I think of bees I think of a strong work ethic, which I consider the greatest gift my parents have given me. My parents grew up in Texas farming communities and believe me, farmers know the value of grit and tenacity. Additionally, there is so much wisdom to learn from bees concerning communication, teamwork, productivity and focus. They represent the connection between all living things as they move from plant to plant collecting nectar. The elongated hexagon shape of all pieces in the Debra series is my nod to the efficient honeycomb structure of the hive. I love the way the ring is bold, large enough to have a strong presence, yet lays flush with my finger, becoming seamless with my movements. Wearability is important. I believe that jewelry should be worn, not just for special occasions, but for everyday life. The Debra ring is a beautiful, earthy reminder to work hard, and smart, on the path to chasing your dreams.